Silk Road forums
Discussion => Off topic => Topic started by: Wokker on October 31, 2012, 10:21 pm
Do you ever work your stash around your ETA for another delivery? You know you can finish up what you have, because your order is coming in a couple hours, right? You aren't being greedy, you're just confident that you're getting restocked, so you might as well get as high as possible.
A couple hours go by, and the Postman is pulling up! Hurrah! More drugs! Once the friendly mail man takes off, you get to scamper up to your box, ready to rip into your order. But when the mailbox is opened... There's only a fucking pamphlet from the Power company? What the fuck is this?!?! My package is SUPPOSED TO BE HERE!!
Ok, relax, breathe in, breathe out. It's just one more night without drugs... At least I have some weed...
oh fuck man...the WORST feeling ever.... first >:( then :( .... then i cry....haha jk.... but the worst part is..usually im waiting for weed!! like right now..should i finish up my smoke and hope Hurricane Sandy isn't fuckin' up my delivery tomorrow? or should i just be content with what I've already smoked, and save some for tomorrow just in case?.... ahhh idk its lame haha
HAHA you have a stash so small you can blow thorough it in a few hours before the post mail comes.
unfortunately...right now....i do.....of weed that is ;) ... got an untouched gram of MDMA that i just haven't felt like crackin' into yet... must be seasonal depression... haha too much rain to think about dancing around and having fun....
It is the WORST feeling waiting for something from across the pond.
Jesus, going to the mailbox 1 day, 2 days, a week, 2 weeks in a row is the most disappointing feeling ever.
Let the heartache expressed on this thread resonate in the ears of all SR vendors. Get yer fingers out...
I'd say the WORST feeling is getting something that you think is going to make you hold on to you boots only to realize an hour in that it was bunk. Sitting there analyzing your entire body for every twinge and rush you think is coming right around the corner as doubt starts to loom more and more pronounced.
Happened to me and a friend at Bonnaroo in '07 three fucking times. Got a 10 pack of rolls that ended up probably being aspirin. Quarter of mushrooms that were just dried non-cubensis and then a 10 strip of blotter acid which was probably just us putting paper in our mouths.
It was a brutal first day. But it turned into one of the best weekends and festivals of my life. This was the year before MTV bought the Roo and it got strait corporate.
Know the feeling, bro. My weed stash lasts about 3 week, then in the fourth week I use exponentially less in each joint as i wait for my delivery until theres basically fuck all left but a rollie.